We are all about the hunting dog because dog people are our people. We love the conversations before, during, and especially after a hunt. Learning about new places, terrain, or local hunting styles has meant as much to us as the hunt itself. This podcast is an ever-growing diary of our life experiences with dogs and friends, some which are old, some which have passed on, and those that we have yet to meet.

Ron Boehme
Hunting Dog Expert | Host
Ron Boehme has had a passion for bird hunting since 1973, when he bought his first license to chase pheasants in his home state of Illinois. Since that time, he has hunted in 22 states and 3 provinces, mostly with a bird dog by his side. A move to Michigan allowed him to build his kennel, Dancing Duke Kennels, and begin a lifetime membership with the North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association where he is currently a Senior Judge. Ron is currently ranked 39th among the top 10 wingshooters in the country
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